Anthony Barrow
Moira's Christmas bauble card demonstraton
Christmas fun workshop with Martin Farrar
Some of the members
Richard Hedges
Ceramic Animal Artist
Jeremy Taylor with his
two oil paintings in one demo
Richard Kitson
John Harrison
Paul Talbot-Greaves
Phil Biggs
Lee Graham
Some of the members at Amy's lino printing workshop
Some of the members with their puffin paintings
Phil Biggs
John Harrison
Moiras puffin demo
Andrew Jenkins
Miriam Laville
Sue Smith
Moira Spencer
Gina Suzette
Tina Green
Peter Woolley
Moira - friendly criticism
Sue Smith
Anne Allan
Tracey Kruprianka
Carrie McKenzie
David Starley
Paul Talbot Greaves
Moira with Jean
Roger Davies
Sue Blackwell
Bruce Mulcahy
David Starley
Lindsay Noman
Charles Kelly
Tom Ratcliffe
Dave Smith
John Harrison
Lisa Shackleton
Richard Kitson
Jenny Watson
John Swift
Tracy Krupianka
Paul Talbot Greaves
Martin Priestley
Sue Smith
Louise Lumb
Jane Lazenby
David Starley
Jane Galvin
Stephen Hanson
Pippa Ashworth
Bruce Mulcahy
Jenny Watson
Clive Wylie
Barbara Place
Matthew Evans
Geoff Wood
Barbara Goodall
Anne Allan
John Harrison
Anthony Barrow
Charles Kelly
Tahar Abroudjameur
Sue Smith
David Woolass
Lucy Wilkins
David Newbould
John Thornton
Jane Gamble
David Newbould
Genevieve Thompson
Rosemary's brushes
Paul Talbot Greaves
Cath Inglis
Richard Gawthorpe
Ian Hobson
Bruce Mulcahy
Graham Alcock
Anita Daniel
Susan Gillespie
John Thornton
Brian Lindley and David Holt
Charles Kelly
Andrew Jenkin
Linda Bulliment
John Harrison
John Hargreaves
Martin Farrar
Owen Phillips
Paul Talbot Greaves
John Ridyard
Charles Kelly
Pat Fairclouch
Jeremy Taylor
David Starley
Sue Smith
Tim Rose
Andress make up
Brian Lancaster
Paul Talbot Greaves
Jane Galvin
Keith Mountain
Susan Ridyard
David Newbould
Charles Kelly
Heidi Farrar
Graeme Wilson
Bruce Mulcahy
Roger Simpson
Matthew Evans
Cath Inglis
Jake Attree
John Thornton
Mark Tennant
David Froggatt
Anne Allen
Matthew Evans
Caro Ward
Geoff Wood
Jeremy Taylor
Kate Lycett
Geoff Wood with Robin Dance
Ron Blake Harper
Robert Dutton
Katherine Bolton
Brian Lancaster
Katherine Bolton
Paul Talbot Greaves
David Newbould
Jeremy Ford
David Hemingway
Jane Austin
Paul Pigram
Barbara Place
Rosemary brushes
Jeremy Taylor
Katherine Bolton
David Newbould
David Stansfield
Pat Fairclough
Arthur Craven
David Newbold
Paul Brotherton
Paul Talbot Greaves
Sue Smith
Trevor Park
Lucia Smith
John Thornton
Pat Farclough
Bruce Lancaster
Trevor Park
Paul Talbot Greaves
Anne Allan
John Larbelester
Griff Griffiths
John Ridyard
Les Packham
Ron Blake Harper
John Larbelester
Matthew Evans
Bill Wells
Anne Allen
Matthew Evans
Arthur Craven
John Thornton - 2010